Sunday, October 14, 2012

What do you pinterest?

For about six months, I pinned everything.  I was obsessed.  All these great ideas, things for your house, your self, your style, gift ideas, parties, recipes, etc.  I pinned to my hearts content and then came to the sad realization that all these super easy wonderful ideas were sitting on a virtual bulletin boards.  I didn't try anything.  I would mention pins, "I saw something like that on pinterest!" I hadn't actually done anything.  I decided that needed to change.  I actually started doing some things I pinned.  Some things worked, some didn't.  I created a new board, "Tested and loved... or hated."  As I was going through things I've tried recently and making my notes on what was good, what was bad, I came to the realization that maybe other people might do the same.  Or some people might want to know from someone who has actually done stuff and how easy (or incredibly difficult) and how awesome (or an epic fail) pins were.  Granted, some things link to blogs where people have tutorials on how to do things.  For craft things, they are usually pretty accurate, but for recipes it can be very subjective.  Anyway, here are the things I have tried. 

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